[ipv6hackers] "Stick to limited IPv6 deployments, businesses warned"

Jim Small jim.small at cdw.com
Thu Sep 6 07:01:26 CEST 2012

Hi Owen,

> >>> 1)  Do you believe there is a compelling case for RDNSS/RFC 6106?  I
> >> personally like it but when I have spoken to vendors they pointed out that
> >> most things do or will support stateless DHCPv6 and they don't see any
> >> reason to add RDNSS support.  Can you give me some strong cases I can
> take
> >> back to vendors for RDNSS?  I want to emphasize that this is not an idle
> >> promise - any strong case will go straight to the parties who can effect
> >> change at the vendors.
> >> I share your view. Personally I don't like SLAAC at all. However it is
> >> very "explosive" topic where different people have very differed opinion
> >> about that. Observing the current situation all important vendors (MS,
> >> Apple) started supporting DHCPv6, so I expect that DHCPv6 will be a
> >> dominant method of autoconfiguration.
> >
> > So we're pretty much writing off RDNSS?  That what it seems like to me,
> but just confirming.
> >
> That's essentially writing off SLAAC which is, IMHO, a pretty bad thing.

SLAAC is a done deal.  The question is, will network and OS vendors extend their SLAAC implementations to support RDNSS.  From what I can see, it seems like the answer is no.  RDNSS is cool, it's nice for labs and other setup types, and it's a published standard.  However, it's pretty much worthless if routers and mainstream O/S (e.g. Microsoft/Apple) don't support it.  When inquiring about support I found some enthusiasm from developers but they couldn't come up with a business case to justify implementation.  At first I thought there was a case, but the more I dig I'm sorry to say that it doesn't seem like there is one or at least not a strong case.

However, I would be very grateful to be proven wrong.


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