[ipv6hackers] ipv6hackers meeting (Today, July 30, 2013)

Fernando Gont fernando at gont.com.ar
Tue Jul 30 12:51:23 CEST 2013


Here's the agenda for today's ipv6hackers meeting at EANTC AG
headquarters in Berlin:

* Some Notes on Testing the Real-World IPv6 Capabilities of Commercial
Security Products -- Christopher Werny & Enno Rey
* FT6 (Firewalltester for IPv6) -- Oliver Eggert
* IPv6 Deployment Monitoring: Internet metrics -- Eric Vyncke
* IPv6 Security Assessment and Benchmarking -- Eldad Zack
* Measurement of IPv6 filtering policies on the Internet -- Guillaume
* News about THC-IPv6 -- Marc Heuse
* News about IPv6-toolkit -- Fernando Gont
* IPv6 addresses on the Domain Name System (DNS) -- Fernando Gont
* DNS Reconnaissance using DNSSEC -- Christoph Mueller

The event is free, and you don't need to register to attend (number of
seats is limited, though).

Please find all the relevant details (location, maps, etc.) at:

I suggest that people meaning to walk to the venue meet at the
Intercontinental hotel's front door, and leave at around 15:15 to arrive
in time for the meeting (harder to get lost if walking with a group).

Best regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: fernando at gont.com.ar || fgont at si6networks.com
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